Monday, December 7, 2009

The Enigmatic Conundrum

Back in my days in Kuwait, people never called me a nerd. They called me a genius. The subtle difference is that the latter never studies. The answers come to him, just at the cost of time. Probably it was a tactic developed by my lazy brain which didn’t want to bother going through the details, just the hard hitting facts. Many erratic grades of mine were due to me not having enough time to think. Hence I hated timed exams, and these deterred me to push with the flow. I had to use techniques that wasted brain on cramming. No logic, No basis, No footing. The education system screwed me over. And as you would know, the proficiency that got me through the toughest exams became obsolete, I forgot how it worked. Hence my serious academic career began with my stupidity, followed by falls. Then, I landed in NITT...